Boku no Natsurōdō: A Story About Emanation and the Creative Process
Translator’s Note: The title translates to My Summer Labour, a play on Millennium Kitchen’s 2000 video game Boku no Natsuyasumi [My Summer Break].
“An adventure is never an adventure when it happens. An adventure is simply physical and emotional discomfort recollected in tranquility.”
― Tim Cahill
An Ancient Campaign
In the halcyon days of June 2023 a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign was to begin. Born from my friend Rhys’ mind, a world made just for me. Emanation was, when first conceived, just a world with loose JRPG stylings in which a campaign could be held that wasn’t quite as stringent on setting as something like the average euro-tolkien fantasy. Rhys (without checking) has never played a JRPG but Pokemon, as far as i'm aware. I on the other hand have gone so far as to play the Slayers JRPG on the Super Famicom, so yeah I’ve played JRPGs I know what they’re like. I think possibly Rhys set these plans in motion to try and wrangle me back into caring about TTRPGs again, for that company we made together, after I’d spent the spring writing a book set in the universe I was supposed to be creating a game system for.
The basics of the setting were written down and the group had made all of their player characters. Emanation was at this moment just the name of a Roll20 group. I created the character Helvia Dannica, a pretty simple Square-Enix adjacent character design with a meagre backstory fine for a nascent DnD campaign (particularly in a group that struggles with consistency). The setting was designed kitchen-sink-like with a prison inside a floating head of a dead god made by an evil emperor with varying tech levels all over the world.
We had one session.
Shut Your Mouth and Look at My .WAD
Around this time I had just so happened to play the original DOOM (1993). The allure of the .wad was calling to me. What if I went above and beyond and made my DnD character’s backstory in a Doom .wad. Has this ever been done before? There I was in GZDoom with such a large laborious task ahead of me. Writing a backstory for a DnD character. Are there any greater insurmountable tasks for the TTRPG player? However, I was writing a character backstory with non-orthogonal walls.
Still waiting for the second session that I did not know then would never come. I was enthralled by this intellectual property brownfield site that laid before me of a TTRPG setting born of someone else. What if I were to take this setting and disguise it as my own cooking? Delightfully devilish.
He Was Aware He Was Still a Child
The Doom .wad idea wasn’t working out. I didn’t like the software, or at least, I didn't want to expend the effort to learn the software to make a mod in which narrative structure was already difficult. What if I went back to my roots? My 9 year old roots of using RPG Maker VX on my mum’s work laptop making Kingdom Hearts fan games where Sora meets Pikachu, Those really were the days. What better way to tell a short contained story than a terse 1-2 hour turn based top down JRPG. Perfect. I’ll just get started on that. Already in an hour I have a dramatic heart wrenching scene of a small girl’s parents being murdered in front of her at a young age. This will be so easy. I’ll be the coolest guy in a group of 4 people ever.
Oh. What if…
What if I made an anime opening for my videogame of my DnD character’s backstory.
Wow, ok. That took at least ten hours. What.
So by this point I’d maybe spent 14 hours on what amounts to at most 6 minutes of a game. I was planning 1-2 hours. 2.3 hours of work goes into 1 minute of game. So for an hour and half of game we’re looking for 207 hours of work. 207 hours of WORK at a wage of £0 an hour since nothing in that anime op was original and not really under fair use. I should probably just cut my losses here right? This is kind of a ridiculous thing I'm doing. However, in my experience that's not really how the creative process works. Also, It's fun.
A Human Work
I pressed on. I lovingly crafted the opening moments of the game, the slums using music from The Pillows the Field and Ork’s cave with music from Nier Automata. The original plot was simple, Helvia takes a job from her friend who is essentially something like a fixer from the Cyberpunk universe, this job gets her into a situation, she fights the empire, tragically loses and ends up in prison beginning our DnD campaign. Oh but what if there's a cowboy town?
So south from the Slums Helvia lives in she ends up in a cowboy town to catch the train to the city Charalis. Of course it's not as simple as just buying a train ticket. OH NO! The train conductor and famous business owner the Great Sancho has been captured by bandits and is being held in the mines. Helvia goes and saves him, meeting Arabella and Alvin in the process. To keep the game simple there was only going to be one party member. With each party member comes a new class to properly fit with skills, weapons and armour. So the pair began solely as local NPCs that led Helvia on her journey. I kinda like parties though. I like a group of discordant people coming together in that style and growing together to fight evil. It’s pretty cool. Whatever, what's two more. That’s fine now I have three characters. It's a trio like Sonic Heroes. No problem. The cowboy town of Gilded Hills culminates in a shootout at high noon which in RPG Maker was very very hard to code and now a year and a half after making it I can't really do it myself.
A Month Gone
Oh jeez, it's now July. I’ve been making an unsellable videogame for a month? Oh well.
Helvia saves Sancho and her Alvin and Arabella all climb aboard a steampunk train to Charalis. Now Charalis is important enough that I think it deserves a cutscene. So back to Sony Vegas I made another short video full of other people's art. It looks pretty cool though.
The sprawling cityscape of Charalis consisted of such a large space that I didn’t want to detail and so I bypassed this by having it a closed world overworld Mario style. There are points you can visit but you can’t walk around. So, you have a goblin who drives you around the city in a little yellow car. The job given to Helvia by her fixer takes her to the headquarters of the rebels against the empire, the Syndicate. Here the leader Maldor (it's ok he's an important character but not a party member) asks Helvia to help him take down the evil empire. Cloud Strife like she tells him she's not interested. To earn some money, Alvin and Arabella do some jobs for him. Then Maldor joins the party (wait what? That wasn't the plan?) and the four of them attack a city checkpoint allowing the party to leave the city into the open world of the Hurkan Region. (What that was supposed to be the end wasn’t it?)
Now the game lasts about 3 hours and you have a full party with an adventure ahead of you. Here in the open world you can meet more party members, Sanjiro, Sophie and Dirk. So there's now 7 party members, 7 classes and 7 sets of weapons and armour. In this video game that’s just a backstory for a DnD character that hasn’t been played in about a month by this point for an audience of 4 people. Huh?
Scope Creep
But what if there was more game?
What if there was a big mountain with dwarves hiding inside. Ok so now I’ll need to make a mountain path up towards the stronghold. There aren’t many good mountain tiles baked into RPG Maker MZ so I must go looking online. I spent a very good portion of my childhood instead of growing or being outside scouring forums for RPG Maker, saving various free distributions from friendly pixel artists willing to give to me their free labour. Though this was some 15 years ago now. I was cast adrift from the bulging pictures folder on my mum’s work windows vista laptop. I had to scour once again which is as it turns out quite time consuming. I eventually found a nice tileset, nicer than anything in the RTP. It made me consider switching all the tilesets. However, this would mean remaking every single map in the game. For the first time in this journey I decided against the long life consuming option and just stuck with what I already had. No backtracking, only forward progression.
The party climbs Mount Dornak and finds the dwarven citadel of Mazh-Douk at the top. Here the Maldor’s brother lives. Famed gnode crafter. Have I not talked about gnode yet? Conceived as a way to have power as a physical object in the world, gnode is what the world of emanation runs on. The gnode crafter asks you to retrieve the flame of his forge back from a dragon deep in the dwarven mines. After defeating said dragon you return the flame granting you access to the game’s crafting system. Yeah, it was getting to the point where this 1-2 hour DnD character’s backstory sprawling JRPG which was now around 4-5 hours had a crafting system too.
The overworld also contained a yak farm, here is where the party could buy a yak granting the player access to the fast travel system. A cottage where the party finds a witch. If they can find the right herb from the swamp they can turn her back and gain Sophie as a party member. Sophie is an optional party member, she’s also a magical cat girl. How cool! The other optional party member that you find during this portion of the game Sanjiro is a samurai. These guys don’t have much story in the game but I liked them. There was a plan at one point for each of the characters to have playable flash back sections. Sophie was going to have a soundtrack of purely city-pop karaoke tracks. Sanjiro’s section was to be black and white and use soundtracks stolen from Kurosawa films.
Emotional Weight
Going west from Mazh-Douk the party comes to the town of Veridora. After the checkpoint attack was blamed on the free city of Veridora rather than the Syndicate the empire is knocking on their gates looking for retribution. Dirk the sad knight is met in the tavern just outside the city. Helvia and friends convince him to stand up for himself and fight back. They sneak behind the bushes and watch a very long and lazily unedited cutscene which is actually just a scene from the anime Gate which I have never watched but it kind of fit what I was going for. After the cutscene you’re whisked away to a hilltop above the city where the General Gideon Ironheart is revealed to be Maldor’s brother. In a shocking unwinnable boss fight where the player takes control of Maldor alone he sadly falls in battle. After this calamity Another cutscene plays as the transition to another chapter in this “small” game introducing yet another character Pumazz the wizard.
Arrested Development
It has to stop somewhere. The clock on the bottom right of my computer monitor now had an 09 in the middle of the date and here in the United Kingdom that means September. Summer had concluded and still there was no next session of our DnD campaign and STILL there was no backstory made for my character. What I had was an ever expanding notion of a JRPG. The notes written about this game will probably be as important as the Silmarillion. Pumazz was to send the party on an adventure to 4 different dungeons to craft the philosopher’s stone to then use that power to take down the Hurkan Council in Charalis. I had a few ideas of the ending of the game. It would be something like the party members were all actually employed by the governor to dispatch the rest of the council and in the end turn on Helvia, or that in defeating the authority structure the party would then find themselves having to replace it.
However, we’ll never know how the game ends. All we know is somehow Helvia ends up in prison inside the floating GodHead above the world. As the sun set on 2023 and I spent a day of my life remaking the main menu of the game I could feel my attention waning from this project. It had grown too large for the confines of RPG Maker and what I wanted it to be now it would have to be restarted. So here lies the future for Emanation. It will become a TTRPG setting for now. The original game serves as the foundation of the setting’s atmosphere and eventually once we have enough fans willing to hand me their hard earned money with big grins on their faces we will see the Helvia Game in all its glory in unreal engine 5 made with the largest graphics you’ve ever seen.
Emanation’s Continuation
I suppose I just kinda wanted to play with RPG Maker again, some childhood nostalgia. This adventure into my past mutated into a months-long obsession that I no longer want to finish. Yet, is any art finished or is it just abandoned? So here to the loyal reader able to reach the end of this winding blog post, you may play Emanation Origin’s: Helvia. There are some warnings though that come with this download. Yes, I did use AI art in this. AI art is a problem, I never want to see AI generated art replace any artist in the world. Seeing as the audience for this game was extremely limited and I sadly cannot draw and for expediency I used it for character art here. Please Forgive me. The other warning is that the game is very unfinished and even more untested. Please don’t allow yourself to feel hollow when you aren’t able to find an ending to this story. One will exist one day. What would be even cooler though is if you fan-wrote your own ending. Its extremely easy to soft lock yourself in this game or miss flags rendering the experience troublesome to say the least. Please excuse this and as I said above please give me money to make this again but better in the mid to late future. I use a lot of music in this I DO NOT OWN ANY OF IT please Square Enix don’t kill me. I promise it’s out of love.
The final thing I have to say is please wait patiently for the first release of Emanantion: The Goblins of Chipping-Slucis. A 5e adventure set in a distinctly unfinished part of Helvia Game. Here in TTRPGs Emanation will live for a while and I hope you enjoy playing in the world as much as I enjoy making it. The creative process can take you down many strange discordant roads but as long as the process itself is fun, know that in the end you’ll have made something you can be proud of. However, if you’re reading this and Goblins of Chipping-Slucis still hasn’t been released please berate me for my laziness here on the Megalithic Prints Discord Server or here